Monday, July 21, 2014

WKRC in Cincinnati - A full day of buying signs

WKRC in Cincinnati did this story last night about the project. It was a powerful and fulfilling day there of buying signs. Had so many meaningful conversations with the homeless that ranged from my telling some other Navy veterans about my brother Neal, who is in the Navy, to hearing one young man tell us he'd do anything (including prostituting himself) in order to get heroin. It's overwhelming to hear all these stories, and the best I can do sometimes is listen and try to send out some love in that way. It's heartbreaking on a regular basis, and the Dream Team (TimEamon, and Oli) and I have to work to take care of ourselves in this process as well. More and more it becomes clear how complex the problem of homelessness is, and how much help is needed. Thank you all for your continued support and encouragement, we read it to each other each day and it makes a difference. It's been hard to keep up with all the media, but we're sharing when we can, and will compile a complete list once the trip is over. Bought our first sign in Detroit right after arriving here last night. Will post a photo of it soon! Also ate Skyline Chili in Cincinnati, which is a thing. Thanks to Samantha Eve andJustin Bagley for their help in Cincinnati yesterday (and for the humor!).#weareallhomeless #grateful

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